Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What If I Have A Sunburn?

"Can I get an Airbrush Tan if I have a sunburn"?

The answer is not quite just a simple "yes" or "no".  That being said, we will do our best to make it as simple as possible.  Airbrush Tanning is what we do!  It would seem ridiculous that we would say there is a time to NOT get an airbrush tan, right?  However, there is most definitely a time we do not recommend getting sprayed: When fresh peeling from a sunburn is occurring.  If the client has exfoliated to the best of her ability, and still has evidence of peeling, we do not recommend adding an airbrush tan to that.  Quite simply, the burn will continue to peel, taking with it the tan that the client just paid for. This can result in a very dissatisfied client.  (NEVER the goal at Spraytopia!)  However, if the client is desperate for some color for a specific event (being informed of the risks, as well as how to properly maintain), or if she just needs to fill in certain areas that did not receive enough sun- then, by all means, we are happy to oblige! 
Now, if the client is just pink, with no signs of peeling on the horizon (or if all evidence of peeling is gone), then an airbrush tan can add just the right amount of color for a beautiful summer glow (all year long).  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Can I Swim or Got to the Beach?

With Spring Break knocking on our door, so many clients are headed to the beach, or places with swimming pools.  This brings up a whole new batch of questions.
What about swimming? Chlorine Water/ Salt Water?  How can I protect my tan?
We've all heard the horror stories of a person with a spray tan coming up out of the pool with very little, if any of their tan left.  So, what's a girl (that wants to be tan when she arrives at the beach/pool) to do?  The answer is simple really.  An airbrush tan, when taken care of properly, can make it through swimming (in either salt water or chlorinated water).  There are just a few extra precautions that will need to be taken.  
First, we recommend using a waterproof or water resistant sunblock (without mineral oil).  The lotion is better than the spray.  That greasy feeling is a good thing.  (Think of it as creating a barrier between the skin and the water.)  Also, following the directions on the back of the sunblock tube, reapplying as often as recommended is extremely important.  Next, we suggest having a tan extender or self tanner (no mineral oil) on hand.  In case of emergencies, the these can be used to fill in any spots or fading that might occur.  We recommend applying the tan extend or self tanner with a makeup applicator or Q-Tip, and don't forget to wash the palms with soap, to avoid staining the hands.  Following the regular airbrush tan tips (provided with your tan), as well as these few additional steps will ensure a long lasting golden glow.