Monday, October 17, 2011

First Things First...

"What can I do to make my tan last?"
It seems as though we are asked some form of that question on a daily basis.  The answer is not as complicated as you might think.  Although there are numerous things a person can do to maintain the tan after receiving it, the most important thing is what is done before coming to see us for your spraytan.  According to all of the research we can find, THE most important thing in maintaining an airbrush tan is to EXFOLIATE before receiving the tan.  The reason for this is that the DHA (active ingredient) really only soaks into the epidermis, or top layer of skin.  So, the quicker you shed your top layer, the quicker the tan is gone, and vice verse.  If you have exfoliated well prior to receiving the tan, there should only be a few things to do afterward  to maintain the tan.    For our particular solution, the main thing to remember afterward is:  Moisturizer is your friend!  (Just make sure it doesn't have mineral oil or petroleum in it.)  Just as the exfoliation helped before you got your spraytan, hydrating the skin afterward keeps it from shedding so quickly.  You will be amazed at how much longer the tan can last with just these few important steps. Most clients enjoy their tan for at least 7-10 days, and a few can go up to 2 weeks.   

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